Frequently asked questions


Here we are providing a list of the most common questions. You are missing a question or topic? Please feel free to contact us  – we are glad to help you.  → Contact


What is Puropharm about?

Puropharm is a privately held company located in Hannover, Germany, focusing on developing, manufacturing and distribution of health und body-care products.

Who owns Puropharm?

Puropharm GmbH & Co. KG is owned and led by Bijan Parwini und Arash Vahedipour.

How can I contact Puropharm?

Please contact us via:

Fon:               +49 (0) 511 570 060 80
Fax:               +49 (0) 511 570 060 90

All products are made in Germany?

Yes, all of our products are developed, manufactured and packaged in Germany.

Do the products comply with the international standards?

Yes, all products in our portfolio comply with national, European and international standards.

Nutritional supplements

What exactly are nutritional supplements?

Nutrional supplements is food intended to complete the normal diet. Nutritional supplements may contain a large variety of nutrients or some other substances with specific nutritional or physiological effects, for example vitamins, minerals, amino acids, roughage, plants of herbal extracts, which are added either separately or concentrated in combinations. Nutritional supplements are offered in dosed form, e.g. as tablets, capsules and dragees as well as powder or liquids for the absorption in measured doses.

Compared to normal diet Nutritional supplements are provided with consume recommendations and give further specific referring for consumers, e.g. to store outside reach of small children. The ingredients – per definition – should not cause pharmacological effects. If a product has pharmacological effects, then this means that it is medicine requiring authorization.


Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

How can nutritional supplements be identified?

A key distinguishing feature is the declaration as nutritional supplements. In addition to the specifications of diet declaration nutritional supplements must carry information about recommended daily intake as well as a warning label to avoid the exceed of intake. Furthermore packages must carry advices in order to make clear that nutritional supplements should not be used to replace a healthy and well  balanced normal diet and should be stored outside reach of small children.

Currently in Germany statements, which refer to disposal, easing or prevention of diseases, are forbidden in product advertising as well as on packages. Statements focused on disease risk reduction are possible via proofing and licensing by authorities.


Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

Which substances are allowed to add and in what quantities?

The Food Supplements Ordinance (NemV) specifies which vitamins and minerals and their compounds may be added to foods. Furthermore, other nutrients and substances with a specific nutritional or physiological effect may also be added to food supplements. At the present time, there are no provisions regulating which individual substances (e.g. amino acids, fibre, plants, herb extracts etc.) may be added.

All the same, certain substances are equated with additives in Germany which means they are governed by the principle of prohibition with a reservation regarding the granting of permission. They may only be added to foods including food supplements
when they have been expressly approved through legal provisions for the respective purpose. There are no binding maximum levels for the ingredients of food supplements eitheron the national or European levels.


Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

Do supplements in Germany require approval?

As food supplements are foods, they are covered by the provisions of the Food and Feed Code (LFGB). Amongst other things, this Code stipulates that foods must be safe. Consumers may not be misled by the information on the package and health claims are prohibited. However, claims to reduce a risk of disease are possible after they have undergone official examination and been approved.

Food supplements do not require approval. Pursuant to the Food Supplements Ordinance (NemV), food supplements must be registered with the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL). Responsibility for the safety of products and compliance with food law provisions lies with manufacturers and distributors. Monitoring of food supplements placed on the market and of manufacturing plants is the task of the food control authorities of the federal states.


Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

How safe are food supplements?

As food supplements are foods, they are covered by the provisions of the Food and Feed Code (LFGB). Amongst other things, this Code stipulates that foods must be safe. Consumers may not be misled by the information on the package and health claims are prohibited. However, claims to reduce a risk of disease are possible after they have undergone official examination and been approved.

Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

Are there any differences between food supplements and medicinal products and, if so, what are they?

Arzneimittel sind dazu bestimmt, Krankheiten, Leiden, Körperschäden oder krankhafte Beschwerden zu heilen, zu lindern, zu verhüten oder zu erkennen, vom menschlichen oder tierischen Körper erzeugte Wirkstoffe zu ersetzen oder die Beschaffenheit, den Zustand oder die Funktion des Körpers oder seelische Zustände zu beeinflussen. Sie unterliegen den Bestimmungen des Arzneimittelgesetzes. Ihre Inhaltsstoffe sind pharmakologisch wirksam. Arzneimittel unterliegen einer Zulassungspflicht durch das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM) in Bonn oder der Genehmigung durch Dienststellen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Im Rahmen beider Zulassungsverfahren müssen Qualität, Wirksamkeit und Unbedenklichkeit nachgewiesen werden. Neben anderen wichtigen Informationen zur Gebrauchssicherheit sind mögliche Nebenwirkungen, die bei bestimmungsgemäßer Einnahme auftreten können, in einem Beipackzettel aufgeführt.

Medicinal products are intended to heal, alleviate, prevent or identify diseases, suffering, physical defects or health disorders, to replace active substances produced by the human or animal body, or to influence the condition, state or function of the body or mental state. They are governed by the provisions of the Medicinal Products Act. Their ingredients are pharmacologically active. Food supplements are foods and are governed by the provisions of the Food and Feed Code (LFGB). They are intended to supplement the diet and must be safe.


Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

Who „controls“ food supplements?

Es kann möglich sein, dass Inhaltsstoffe, die in Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln enthalten sind, auch in Arzneimitteln Verwendung finden. Auch werden Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in gleichen Darreichungsformen wie Arzneimittel, z.B. in Tabletten-, Kapsel-, Pulverform oder als flüssige Zubereitungen, angeboten. Dies verdeutlicht, dass sich Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und Arzneimittel zum Teil sehr ähnlich sind.

The manufacturer, importer, supplier or distributor is responsible for the safety of food supplements. There is no control of the products prior to their placing on the market along the lines of state authorisation. Once the product is on the market, it undergoes official monitoring by the federal states.


Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

Can food supplements be purchased on the internet with confidence?

Irrespective of the distribution channel, the relevant German food law provisions of course apply to food supplements which are sold on the Internet. However, there have been reports of individual cases in which non-marketable food supplements were sold on the Internet. In the case of the direct purchase of food supplements on the internet from manufacturers/distributors abroad, it cannot simply be assumed that the products sold as food supplements comply with German food law provisions.


Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

Is food supplement necessary and does it make sense?

In principle a balanced, diverse diet supplies a healthy body with all the essential substances. In most cases supplements are, therefore, superfluous. However, there are exceptions to this general rule. A one-sided or inadequate diet can mean that not enough essential nutrients are taken up. During pregnancy and breastfeeding there is an elevated need for specific nutrients.

The intake of essential nutrients by older people may also be insufficient for instance as a consequence of chewing or swallowing disorders or a loss of appetite. The chronically sick may have an elevated need for essential nutrients, too. In these cases, dietary supplementation may be necessary or advisable. Whenever a food supplement is used as an additional measure to treat or heal diseases like a chronic gastrointestinal tract disorder, this should be done under medical supervision.


Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

Where can I buy Marinox products?

At present, Marinox products are available in online and stationery pharmacies in Germany.

Is Marinox made in Germany?

Yes, all of the Marinox products are developed, manufactured and packaged in Germany.

Is Marinox Halal?

Yes, Marinox products are certified as halal.

Is Marinox available abroad?

Yes, Marinox is currently available in 10 different countries.

Sports supplements

What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are nutrients that affect fluid balance in the body and are necessary for our nerves and muscles to function. Only with sufficient quantities of electrolytes all body functions may work properly. Only small amounts are needed though. Together with vitamins and trace elements they belong to the class of vital substances, because because they are vitally necessary to the body.  Furthermore electrolytes belong to micronutrients, because in contrast to macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates and fats, the body only need very small amounts. Important electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphor.



Do the the sports supplements comply with the international standards?

Yes, all products of our portfolio comply with national, European and international standards.

Sports nutrition – building your own brand with Puropharm

What is Private Label?

Private-label products are typically those manufactured or provided by one company for offer under another company’s brand.

What is White Label?

White label refers to a product purchased by a reseller who then rebrands it.

Which products do you offer?

Our portfolio includes a large spectrum of high quality sports nutrition supplements: proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

Which services do you offer?

Product Development, Formulas, Approvals, Tests, Raw material procurement, Package Design, Packaging

Bodycare – Glysomed

What means INCI?

The International Nomenclature for Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) is the system we have adopted for labeling and declaring our skincare ingredients. The multilingual and multinational labeling requirements implemented by the European Union require a full declaration of ingredients on personal care packaging.

This labeling standard denotes all ingredients according to their Latin (Chemical / Scientific) designation. Those manufacturers following the INCI are therefore required to label their ingredients as specified by the regulatory board. All companies selling personal care products in Europe, and most recently in Canada, are required by law to list their ingredients according to the INCI.


What is glycerin and why do you use it?

Glycerin is a threefold alcohol found in every fat. It regulates the absorption and release of water, softening and smoothing the skin. We use naturally generated glycerin.